Tehtävä: IAM Product Owner
Tehtävän kuvaus
We are currently seeking for an IAM Product Owner to join our Digital Identity team, who has the ability to connect business requirements with technical solutions and deliver customer value. The position is in Helsinki, but you can work remotely according to our flexible work concept.
Are you a technical minded, enthusiastic person with a strong background in agile development and interested in identity and access management (IAM) solutions? Do you want to be involved in developing critical security software products that ensures our customers' data security with a smooth user experience?
DNA is recognised as an excellent employer, and we are sure that you will enjoy working with us. Below, you can find reasons why you should choose us for the next stage of your career!
As a product owner you will be working as part of the Digital Identity team and your key areas of responsibility will be:
Managing backlog based on business priorities
Leading DevOps-team(s) of IAM solution(s)
Manage stakeholder communication
Partner and vendor management within your area of responsibility
Operational ownership of the systems within your area
Developing and operating other areas of responsibility within the Digital Identity -team
As a Product Owner, you will act as the leader of the DevOps team, ensuring that the development team has a clear development roadmap based on business priorities and that the development of IAM services meets requirements and business goals. You will also ensure the smooth and efficient operation of the product.
We are looking for a new colleague with a relevant technical education (at least Bachelor’s degree or equivalent knowledge) and with ability to manage complex solutions, and with experience in product owner role. To succeed in the role, it is important that you have the necessary skill set for basics of IAM, great communications skills and ability to learn.
A minimum of 3 years of relevant work experience is required. You are analytical and understand how to effectively create customer value with available resources, technical possibilities and timetables. Proficiency in development management tools and a strong grasp of Agile methodologies are essential. Also experience with agile software development, project management tools, and managing backlogs and roadmaps is expected.
Familiarity with IAM technologies is needed and a background as a development manager or product owner would be advantageous. Excellent communication skills in English are necessary, along with a good command of Finnish and a willingness to learn more. An understanding of the importance of security and the E2E thinking model is crucial. You are not intimidated by terms such as IDM, SSO, OAuth, SAML, IGA, AD, PAM, DevOps, and API.
You confidently reach out to new people, and it is natural for you to work with diverse individuals. For success in this role, it is important that you have excellent communication skills as well as experience in system development.
Experience in programming, software architectures, cloud platforms, or container technologies will be considered an advantage. An understanding of security and data protection principles, such as cybersecurity principles and regulations like GDPR and NIS2, from the perspective of user data protection and identification, will also be considered a plus.
As stated in our employer promise we want to offer you a humane workplace where everyone can be one-of-a-kind as part of our community. Our values fast, bold and straightforward can be seen in our everyday lives. DNA strives to provide an excellent place to work, and we are constantly aiming to improve our practices as an employer to meet this goal.
In this position you will be part of a dynamic Digital Identity team with 2 colleagues leading our IAM development teams.
Please apply via our recruitment system by 16.2.2025. You can submit your application in Finnish or English. If you have any questions regarding the role or DNA, please contact Head of Digital Identity, Niko Häkkinen via email: niko.hakkinen(at)dna.fi or via phone: +358440446067 preferable 5.2.2025 from 12:00 – 15:00.
Please note that this position requires an approved statement of security clearance.
DNA is one of the leading telecommunications companies in Finland. Our purpose is to connect you to what matters most. We offer connections, services and devices for homes and workplaces, contributing to the digitalisation of society. Already for years, DNA customers have been among the world leaders in mobile data usage. DNA has about 3.6 million subscriptions in its fixed and mobile communications networks. The company has been awarded numerous times as an excellent employer and family-friendly workplace. In 2023, our total revenue was EUR 1 067 million and we employ about 1,700 people around Finland. DNA is a part of Telenor Group, a leading telecommunications company across the Nordics. More information: www.dna.fi, X @DNA_fi, Facebook @DNA.fi and LinkedIn @DNA-Oyj.
DNA's award-winning work culture is based onfreedomand isbuilt ontrust. With us you have the freedom to shine as you are and achieve great things together with others. We appreciate employees from different kind of backgrounds regardless of age, gender, appearance, heritage, who they love or how they see the world.
Click the links below to find out more about DNA and things that may be of interest to you.
29.01.2025 - 16.02.2025
Täytä hakemus
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DNA uskoo edelleen vapauteen ja vastuuseen – toimistolle tullaan halusta, ei pakosta
Olemme jo pitkään uskoneet siihen, että parhaat ideat syntyvät siellä, missä on tilaa ajatella. Tärkeintä ei ole missä teet, vaan mitä teet. Siksi suhtaudumme innolla tulevaisuuden työtapoihin, joilla yhteinen määränpää löytyy yhä useampia reittejä pitkin.
Vaikka teemme töitä yhdessä, olemme silti yksilöitä. Yhdelle sopii aikaiset aamut, toiselle parhaat ideat tuo auringonlasku. Meillä saat tehdä töitä missä ja milloin haluat; puumajassa, kirjastossa, mökillä, toimistolla, lempipaikassa. Kun tavoitteet täyttyvät ja yhdessä päästään perille, voidaan matka kulkea myös vähemmän poljettuja polkuja pitkin. Lupia ei tarvitse esihenkilöiltä kysellä.
Ei se helppoa ole, sääntöjen ja tapojen rikkominen. Mutta olemme harjoitelleet mutkatonta, luottamukseen ja omaan vastuuseen perustuvaa työskentelytapaa jo 10 vuotta. Sen olemme oppineet, että ketään ei saa jättää yksin. Tarvitaan kohtaamisia ja keskusteluja, erilaisuuden hyväksyntää. Kuka tietää mistä me vielä itsemme löydämme, kun uskallamme tehdä toisin.