Moving data within planetary boundaries
DNA is committed to reducing the climate impacts of its operations. Our climate targets promote scientific goals for the mitigation of climate change and together with other Nordic Telenor group companies, we are committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2030.
We have been taking concrete steps towards our goal for a long time, particularly by investing in the energy efficiency of our network and by converting to renewable energy.
Why are climate-friendly operations so important to DNA?
Our digital services rely on ICT infrastructure, which unfortunately places the climate under stress due to high electricity consumption. The ICT sector currently accounts for about 3–4 per cent of global emissions. At the same time, digitalisation provides connections which can help us tackle climate-related issues. Therefore, DNA operates in a sector that can provide new solutions that can help us combat climate change, while also facing challenges in the smart use of energy.
Society is becoming increasingly digital, and DNA’s customers’ mobile data use per subscription has long been among the highest in the world. We therefore have a great responsibility in ensuring that we can continue to be a sustainable partner to our private, corporate and institutional customers.
How our work is governed
We take climate change seriously and do all we can to fight back and mitigate its effects. We minimize our use of energy, water, and other natural resources. We follow all applicable laws in Finland as well as all well-established international standards such as the precautionary principle. DNA’s climate work is governed by our Telenor policy on Climate and the Environment. Our work at DNA is administered by an environmental management system which is in accordance with ISO 14001.
We closely monitor our emissions and publish our emission figures openly in our annual report. Both our Executive Team and Board of Directors closely follow the development of climate targetsn that are in line with the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, as approved by the Scientific Based Targets Initiative (SBTi).
Read more from annual report
Our goals and examples of what we do
Our goals
Science based targets
In 2020, we joined Telenor and its climate ambitions. Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) has approved Telenor’s climate target that came into effect in March 2021. The Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) has confirmed that Telenor Group’s climate targets are based on climate research and science, and that we have the ability to contribute to mitigating climate change in line with the Paris Agreement.
The Wattinen service helps households reduce climate emissions from heating
Decent climate work does not use shortcuts (in Finnish)
Electricity which DNA buys is used for the good of with renewable energy and can be counted as green.Electricity which DNA buys is used for the good of with renewable energy and can be counted as green.
Visit Telenor’s website for more information about our common Nordic climate target.
DNA compensates for all its direct emissions (Scope 1, 419 CO2t) through Compensate. This year, we wanted to add in some extra as climate change is happening here and now. DNA compensates for 450 CO2t.
Recycling smart devices is an important act for climate. Are you already recyling the devices that you don't use anymore?