DNA’s employee benefits
Benefits for family life and leisure
Gubbe employee benefit for supporting older family members
Gubbe is a new kind of non-medical elderly service which keeps the elderly active, helps with everyday chores and keeps company. The objective is to reduce the family’s concern over a loved elderly. A typical situation is that it’s not possible for an employee to visit the elderly as often as they want or need to. DNA subsidises 50% of the service’s monthly costs.
Grandparental leave
Grandparental leave is a week-long paid leave for DNA’s own staff and agency employees. The leave is intended for a grandparent or a great grandparent to spend with their grandchild and help out with the everyday life of a family with children. The leave must be held in one period within one year from the birth of the child. DNA employees who became grandparents in a stepfamily or through adoption are also entitled to the leave. In this case, the leave must be taken within one year of the child becoming a member of the family and applies to children under the age of 10.
Home care service of a sick child
DNA has made an agreement for home care service of a sick child. The service is an alternative to the parent staying at home when their child becomes ill. The benefit for home care of a sick child is paid for by the employer and exempt from tax for the employee. Therefore, it is free. The childcare service is available for children aged 0-9 on weekdays for a maximum of three days per disease.
Bicycle benefit
DNA employees have access to employee bicycle benefit provided by Etufillari. The bike is purchased through a leasing agreement. The taxable value of the bike benefit is calculated as a monthly taxable value in accordance with the taxable values set by the Tax Administration.
Occupational wellbeing and other special days
DNA organises a wide range of occupational wellbeing days throughout the year for both employees and their families.These have been, for example, an after-work evening for the friends of DNA employees, a Linnanmäki amusement park day for families, and a sports and refreshment weekend for the entire staff.
DNA sponsors the sports of its employees’ children
As a family-friendly employer, DNA has decided to focus all of its small sponsorship support on the sports activities of the employees' children. There are already more than 1,600 DNA employees all over Finland, so this way the support can be targeted at numerous teams and various sports around the country, while promoting sports and exercise activities of young people. The child's sport can be any team or individual sport, but there must be a club or association of some sort behind the hobby through which the support is paid.
DNA supports the well-being of its employees
DNA offers well-being support services, such as easily accessible support through Mehiläinen and Auntie.
Flexible work concept and flexible working hours
Read more about the flexible work concept here >>