Dear to be yourself 

At DNA, we have a large team of experts passionate about understanding each customer's unique needs. Individuality is a strength.

Because no one is the same. Everyone is one-of-kind.

At DNA, each of us has the freedom to shine as our authentic selves - our employer promise is based on humanity and one-of-kind. We are a community that recognizes different life situations, offering an open and supportive work environment with plenty of opportunities for professional growth. We encourage everyone to be exactly who they are and to showcase their unique qualities.

When employees thrive, customers thrive. The passion of this diverse and individualistic team is to understand your needs and the needs of every single customer.

It takes courage to act differently, to stand out from the crowd. That's the attitude we want to nurture.

From a small challenger to Finland's most successful telecommunication operators

Courage has always been present in our DNA. We entered the market as a small challenger in 2001, and our story is filled with bold experiments and unique solutions that have made us one of Finland's most successful telecommunication operators.

Explore our products and services

Our product and service offering covers diverse and unique needs of both private and business customers. Our operations extend to the development of the entire Finnish society. We take care of the development of our society by, among other things, building critical network infrastructure, ensuring digital equality, and connecting Finns to everything that is most important to them: people, customers, events, matters, and jobs.