DNA’s employee benefits

Flexible work concept and remote working


At DNA, we work in a flexible manner. If your position is not tied to a place or time, you can complete your work wherever and whenever without a separate permission from your supervisor. DNA has three levels of remote working:

  1. The flexible model means full freedom and already includes most of the staff. In this model, no permission is needed for remote work. Remote work abroad is also okay.
  2. The limited remote work model applies to jobs where remote working is typically considered as very difficult to implement. For example, amount of remote work is being regulated in customer service work to ensure service readiness.
  3. Necessary in-person work includes employees who must be present at their workstation because of their position, data security reasons or customer demands. Employees in these positions fully understand why their position does not include the possibility for remote work. The aim is to create as much flexibility as possible for these positions as well.

DNA has taken several concrete measures to improve the continuous remote work experience of its personnel:

  • Free remote working is also being genuinely offered to functions that were subject to restrictions before the coronavirus pandemic. These include customer service tasks, where the arrangement of continuous remote working has required a little more effort to maintain a high level of service than usual.
  • Tools related to work and ergonomics, such as displays and work chairs, are lent to personnel from the office.
  • The entire organisation has introduced the practice of a weekly meeting-free period, which ensures that personnel are also guaranteed to have peaceful working hours.
  • With new tools and means, we ensure that team days, for example, can be arranged remotely or physically but safely so that they fulfil their purpose in terms of recreation and increasing the sense of community.
  • We improve the capabilities of managerial staff to support their team members through training, and further develop open internal communication.

Working from abroad?

DNA employees who work according to the flexible work concept can work abroad for four weeks out of the year with the supervisor’s permission and with certain restrictions regarding the length of the remote working period.

  • The remote work period abroad is paid for by the employee, who must also ensure that they have sufficient internet access for remote work.
  • The aim of the benefit is to allow, for example, family trips during school holidays on a wider scale.
  • Employees have also extended a weekend trip abroad by working remotely, and even entire teams have organised shared remote work weeks abroad to raise their team spirit or simply to get some sun in the winter.