Humane and one-of-a-kind place to work
DNA aims to be one of the most desirable employers in Finland. The satisfaction and wellbeing of our personnel is one of the strategic cornerstones of all our operations. We believe that the satisfaction of our employees clearly reflects on the satisfaction of our customers.
Why does DNA want to be a great place to work?
DNA promotes wellbeing at work because it affects customer satisfaction, opportunities for recruiting future talent, and pride in one's own work. We employ around 1,600 skilled professionals whose wellbeing, encouragement and development we want to invest in.
We also believe that the best way to support the diverse needs of our customers is through a tolerant, non-discriminatory and inclusive working culture. That’s why we invest in building a one-of-a-kind and equal DNA.
How our work is governed
DNA's work on the theme of providing a great place to work is guided by our group-level HR and Susainability policy as well as our values. As a theme, great place to work is important enough for DNA to be even an integral part of our overall company-wide strategy.
Employees are always at the coreof governing. At DNA, we work in a flexible manner. If your position is not tied to a place or time, you can complete your work wherever and whenever without a separate permission from your supervisor. In addition to our flexible mode of work, we support our employees with opportunities such as a care service for sick children and the option to exchange holiday pay for extra days off. Read more about our Flexible work concept.
DNA considers the rate of sickness absences an important metric of wellbeing at work. The sickness absence rate at DNA has dropped significantly in the past four years. In 2021, the relative rate of sickness absences was 2.5 (2.4 in 2021).
Read more from annual report
Our goals
Examples of what we do
The Family Federation of Finland has granted us recognition as a Family Friendly Workplace. The evaluation criteria consisted of the outcome of a family-friendliness survey among employees, the quality and implementation of our development plan, as well as audits by the Family Federation of the practical implementation of family friendliness in various DNA offices.
DNA was ranked the best employer in Finland in the large companies category of the 2019 Great Place to Work survey but as part of Telenor Group, it made better sense for us to participate in the Group-wide personnel satisfaction survey. In 2021 DNA remained as the clear number one among Telenor’s Nordic subsidiaries.
At DNA, we work in a flexible manner. If the position is not tied to a place or time, the employee can work wherever and whenever without a separate permission from the supervisor.
We offer many benefits for families and free time, such as grandparental leave and opportunities to support the loved ones of employees.
DNA published its diversity goals and story.
DNA mentors are volunteers who brighten up coworkers’ working day and raise awareness of issues that are important for wellbeing at work.
Learning from the immigrant youth
During the project organised by Plan and DNA, young people aged 16 to 20 will get to know DNA, and they are offered job search advice and work experience in the ICT sector. At the same time, DNA employees increase their knowledge and understanding of diverse work communities, for example, through internal events and opportunities to provide personal mentoring for young people.
There will be many inspiring initiatives, For example, DNA will host internal events and information sessions on diversity. In addition, DNA employees can volunteer to participate in CV workshops for young immigrants, and young people get to observe the working days of DNA employees.
It's time for employers to wake up to the diversity of what is meant by a family
DNA:n Taloustutkimuksella teettämän kyselyn perusteella yli puolet työikäisistä suomalaisista (57 %) pitää tärkeänä, että työnantajalla on perheystävällisiä käytäntöjä. Liki puolet (46 %) kokee myös tärkeäksi, että heitä palvelevat yritykset ottavat erilaiset perhetilanteet ja -käsitykset huomioon. Jopa kaksi kolmesta vastaajista (67 %) kokee perheensä olevan perinteistä ydinperheen käsitettä laajempi.Tulokset osoittavat, että työikäisten suomalaisten käsitys ja kokemus perheestä on huomattavasti perinteistä ydinperhettä laajempi. Vastaajan iällä ja elämäntilanteella on selvä yhteys hänen kokemukseensa. Työnantajien tulisi viimeistään nyt havahtua siihen, että perheystävälliset käytännöt olisivat kaikille tasa-arvoisia ja yhdenvertaisia.
Kehitämme perheystävällisiä käytäntöjämme jatkuvasti ja pyrimme huomioimaan erilaisissa perhetilanteissa olevat työntekijämme yhä tasa-arvoisemmin ja yhdenvertaisemmin. Siksi olemme nostaneet perheystävälliset käytännöt yhdeksi tämän vuoden merkittävimmistä kehityskohteistamme työnantajana. Haluamme jokaisen työntekijän kokevan, että DNA on tarvittaessa hänen tukenaan. Lue lisää tutkimuksestamme
Quality time with grandchildren on paid grandparental leave
he idea of leave for grandmas and grandpas came from one of our employees. The idea was developed into paid grandparental leave, which remained a permanent practice after a successful trial.
Since 2017, DNA has been the first company in Finland to offer a week’s paid leave for all employees who become grandparents. The leave is intended for spending time with the family. The purpose of grandparental leave is to increase equality and flexibility of working life in the later stages of our employees’ careers.
Becoming a grandparent is one of life’s greatest turning points and a time when being with your family is important. Grandparental leave offers our employees the possibility to take the time to get to know their new grandchild. The help of a grandparent in looking after children and the household also supports the grandchild’s entire family after the newcomer has arrived.
Even though grandparents may be busy from morning to night during grandparental leave, our employees say that it brings strength and vitality to their lives. Time spent with a grandchild creates valuable shared memories and a strong bond with the child. These experiences improve well-being and help the grandparent cope better at work.
Flexible remote working also available to customer service personnel
We want to make sure that we can offer flexibility in different situations in the life of all our employees, including our customer service personnel. DNA is a forerunner in offering all of its service centre advisors the opportunity to work remotely. Remote customer service work goes smoothly when everyone follows the same principles that enable us to ensure matters such as our customers’ information security are taken care of.
In addition to remote working, customer service work is made more flexible by the possibility to request and change shifts to fit other plans such as hobbies or studies. Our service advisors have been trained to work in all areas of customer service, allowing them to switch shifts with any of their colleagues. We have been able to meet more than 90% of requests to change customer service shifts.