Management of corporate sustainability at DNA
The CEO is in charge of corporate responsibility in the Executive Team. The CEO decides on the main principles of corporate responsibility based on proposals by the Sustainability Manager and Vice President, Corporate Communications. The body that ultimately accounts for DNA’s corporate responsibility is the Board of Directors.
DNA Group's Code of Conduct applies to all DNA employees and guides our work. The Code of Conduct takes into account the principles of the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child, legislation on minimum wage and working hours, as well as general environmental, health, and safety requirements.
DNA has zero-tolerance of corruption and bribery, and there are separate guidelines on giving and receiving business gifts. We have an anonymous notification channel for reporting concerns about unethical or unlawful behaviour. Through the Integrity Hotline -channel DNA employees can ask questions and raise concerns about possible breaches of Telenor’s Code of Conduct, including relevant laws, regulations and Governing Documents.
DNA’s corporate responsibility risks are processed as a part of the overall risk management process. The company does not have a separate risk assessment process for corruption. Any corruption risk is assessed as part of the Group’s risk management process.