Career and learning

Our objective at DNA is to be a workplace where you can realize your strengths, continuously improve your competence and feel supported in creating a sustainable career and life.

As an employer, DNA encourages you to take on an active role in developing your skills and best potential. At DNA, development of competence is continuous, inspiring and future-oriented. It also opens up career paths within DNA.

Self-guiding and coaching organisation

Work at DNA is guided by the personnel's expertise together with the company's strategic capabilities. In practice, this means strong trust in the personnel. Trust is built on an active culture of competence development and coaching. 

Do you have an international career in mind?

We can offer our employees international career opportunities with our parent company Telenor. Telenor operates in nine countries around the globe, thus opening a window for our employees to a global telecom operator field.

Career at DNA?
See DNA's employees one-of-a-kind career stories:

You can choose English subtitles for the videos.

Four different careers within DNA

A phased career up to IT management

Work led a humanist to technology

From customer service to wholesale business

Half a life in DNA sales

What competencies are developed?

  • Strategic capabilities – competence that is important to the whole organisation, future-oriented.
  • Managerial work and teamwork – significantly affects everyone's coping at work, shared success and flexible work.
  • Business expertise – at the core of the expertise of individual teams.
  • Personal skills of an individual – skills that allow you to build a sustainable career in a changing world.

How do we develop competence?

  • Daily on-the-job learning – such as insights while working, short retrospectives, sparring, feedback from colleagues and other parties.
  • Social learning – such as team retrospectives, catch up discussions, competence discussions, coaching, workshops, mentoring, peer feedback, club activities, sharing of knowledge in teams.
  • Formal learning – such as internal and external training, e-learning, webinars, podcasts, blogs, books, support tools, club activities, videos and talks given by expert.

40-hour learning challenge – a full working week of learning per year

DNA aims to support the development of its employees’ skills and to ensure that their level of competence corresponds to future work tasks. Each DNA employee is allowed to spend 40 working hours each year on learning – a whole working week’s worth.

All DNA and agency employees are included in the learning challenge. Customer service at DNA Stores and consumer business already has established learning and training practices which are implemented during working hours. For them, the 40-hour learning challenge is realised through these practices. 

An open path to career development at DNA

At DNA, employees are actively encouraged to internal career development. Numerous DNA employees have made their way from various junior roles to experts, from experts to managers and specialists, and eventually to leadership. In addition to growing responsibilities, there is also plenty of lateral career development. You can take a leap to a completely new role through means such as training, projects, on-the-job learning or your own interest.

Each employee’s own positive attitude and thrive for continuous development is considered essential at DNA. We encourage everyone to actively discuss their goals and career aspirations with their supervisors. Cooperation makes it is easier to utilise means for achieving goals within DNA through the different ways of learning – on-the-job learning, social learning and formal learning. Diversely skilled employees are a valuable asset to every team in a large organisation, and they make peer learning easier. At DNA, we believe that internal career leaps and transitions promote mutual understanding and improve cooperation.

Our goal is for DNA employees to view learning and development of their skills as enriching opportunities, and for them to be proud of their own professional and personal skills. We encourage employees to take time to update their skills, as it is considered to support the success of all activities. We want to make sure that people outside our own organisation also recognise DNA employees as top professionals in their field!

Hae DNA:lle!

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