Unlike. Alike. Equal

Unlike. Alike. Equal

Diversity. What does it really mean? It is appreciating everyone as they are – as one-of-kind. No matter the age or gender, no matter how you look, where you come from, who you love, or how you see the world. Diversity is a richness. An asset to our work community – now, and in the future.

Change is never easy, it requires work, a space for discussion and sharing information. To develop our culture, understand our customers, and create even better services, we want to bravely highlight our diversity – its successes but also its shortcomings.

Because it's time. Because it’s in line with our values, and simply because it’s the right thing to do.

Because no one is the same. Everyone is One-of-kind.

This is what One-of-a-kind means

One-of-a-kindness is a journey we have embarked on. A journey towards the goal of a diverse work force with a positively changed mindset towards diversity and inclusion. For us, One-of-a-kindness means:


Combating discrimination

We are a community that values everyone’s uniqueness. A community where age, gender, language, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability or functionality are not linked to an employee’s ability to succeed in their tasks.


Courage for openness

We are understanding and respectful towards one another. We listen to each other and work together. We want everyone to feel safe with us.


Equal opportunities

Everyone has similar opportunities to be employed, enjoy their work, and advance their careers. With us, there’s many ways to succeed as an individual and participate in our shared success.


Customer-centric business

Diversity is a journey to success giving us the courage for new ideas and speed to renewal. It allows us to maintain the ability to uncomplicate the daily life of our diverse clientele.

One-of-a-kindness arises from our values

The values of DNA are built upon being bold, fast and straightforward. To us, these values represent diversity in all its forms. We are bold in the face of the new. We live alongside our diversifying clientele, responding fast to their changing needs. And we are straightforward in treating each other, leaving room for everyone’s uniqueness.

One-of-a-kindness in numbers

According to data, DNA does not yet have non-binary employees, but acknowledging the category is an incentive for employees to openly be themselves in the working life as well.

Data from 2021

Here we start

In diversity putting things in boxes isn’t ideal, however we have to start somewhere. Only then can we transparently view our development. This is why we are first committing to promote gender equality.

All DNA employees feel that they can advance their careers regardless of their age, sex, sexual orientation or any other personal background (2024, 79%).

40% of employees in management and leadership roles are women by 2025 (2023, 30%).

Here we are heading

Promoting diversity also includes many other measures. In the long run, we are promoting also these themes:



Reducing Finnish language as a requirement

We are part of a global organization and our customer base is becoming more international. This is why we are, with appropriate steps, removing the requirement for the Finnish language in recruiting, taking different job descriptions into account.


Strengthening managerial coaching

We invest in developing our culture by further supporting the growth of our supervisors as leaders who understand people and diversity.


Opening global work opportunities

We are creating a strong collaboration between DNA and our owner Telenor, where communication works and practices are shared, thus also opening up new career opportunities for our personnel.


Read more about One-of-a-kindness (in Finnish)

”Kuulumisten vaihto oli viikon ahdistavin hetki” – monimuotoisuuteen on korkea aika herätä työpaikoilla

Rento kuulumisten vaihto oli eräässä aiemmassa työpaikassani viikon ahdistavin hetki.

Nainen, ole ylpeä ja kunnianhimoinen digimaailmassa

Digiala tarjoaa ainutlaatuisia menestyksen mahdollisuuksia yhteiskunnalle ja naisille.

Seksuaali- ja sukupuolivähemmistöt eivät vieläkään voi elää täysin vapaasti

Jokaisen tulee voida olla oma itsensä myös töissä. 

Englanti on tärkeä työkieli myös DNA:lla, ja henkilöstön kieliopintoja tuetaan

“DNA makes me feel comfortable using English”

”Haluan, että minut kohdataan kuin muutkin”

Nyt puhuvat DNA:n vammaiset työntekijät.

Podcast: Monimuotoisuus tarjoaa niin vetovoimaa kuin pitovoimaa

Yllättävän yksinkertaista -podcastimme jaksossa keskustellaan Aalto-yliopiston professorin ja tutkijan Rebecca Piekkarin johdolla.