Leading as a human way 

The "Inhimillisen johtamisen dna" podcast brings together top experts to discuss the impact and significance of good leadership – both now and in the future.

There is still too little talk about humane leadership. That's why I invited top experts from various fields to discuss and share insights and thoughts. I hope that through this series, we can build better leadership in Finland – one that enables individuals and businesses to thrive.

Jussi Tolvanen, CEO of DNA

Top experts as guests

The podcast features leading management expert and author Pauli Juuti, neuroscientist Katri Saarikivi, philosopher Esa Saarinen, interior design researcher Elisabet Lahti, Finnair CEO Turkka Kuusisto, philosopher Lauri Järvilehto, non-fiction writer and organizational consultant Karoliina Jarenko, Chair of the Board of the Children and Youth Foundation and the YTK Mikko-Pekka Hanski, entrepreneur and CEO of Hoiwan Fadumo Ali, Commander of the Finnish Defense Forces Janne Jaakkola, and KONE's Executive Vice President, Europe Karla Lindahl.

The six-part podcast series has been produced in collaboration with DNA and Alma Brand Studio. The episodes are also published on Kauppalehti's website. Listen to all episodes on Spotify or your preferred podcast platform.

Episode 1: Leading the Whole Person – Not Just the Work Self

Welcome to the "Inhimillisen johtamisen dna" podcast. In the first episode, we delve into the concept of humanity. What does leadership look like today? Are we considering the whole person? What does good humane leadership entail from the perspective of both the leader and the individual being led? Which skills will be emphasized in the future?

Joining Jussi Tolvanen, CEO of DNA, in discussing these topics are Katri Saarikivi and Pauli Juuti. Saarikivi is one of Finland's renowned brain researchers and works as a team leader at the Cognitive Brain Research Unit at the University of Helsinki. Pauli Juuti, on the other hand, has had a long career as a leadership expert and author.

Episode 2: How to ignite a spark in employees?

Where does passion and motivation come from? How can a leader ignite their spark and also ignite the spark in their employees and throughout their organization? How can a leader break free from the daily grind and create time and space for deep thinking? What can follow from that?

As a guest on the podcast is Finland's most renowned philosopher, Esa Saarinen. Throughout his long career, Saarinen has helped numerous business leaders, from Nokia to Marimekko. He strongly believes that deeper thinking leads to a better life.

Episode 3: Challenging Change Situations - Part of a Leader's Everyday Life

We all face difficult changes. In our personal lives, in our roles at work, and as organizations. How do we navigate through challenging changes? Where do we find the strength to overcome them and think positively?

Jussi Tolvanen, the CEO of DNA, has invited Elisabet Lahti and Turkka Kuusisto as his guests. Both have experienced various difficult change situations. A personal trauma led Lahti to explore constructive resilience as a resource within each of us. Lahti, who obtained a doctorate in resilience research, travels around providing training and speaking engagements. Kuusisto led Posti through challenging changes and now serves as the CEO of Finnair.

Episode 4: Leadership in the New World of Work

Artificial intelligence and other trends are constantly transforming the world of work. Change is the only constant. What kind of thinking and actions does this evolving work environment demand from employees, organizations, and leaders? How should leadership be approached in this new world of work?

Jussi Tolvanen, CEO of DNA, discusses this topic with Karoliina Jarenko and Lauri Järvilehto. Jarenko is a non-fiction author and organizational consultant who advocates for adaptive leadership and modern learning organizations. Järvilehto is a versatile professional in thinking and action – a philosopher, author, and musician. Both have also been founding the Academy of Philosophy.

Episode 5: Future experts challenge leadership

Work life is changing, diversity is increasing, and future experts approach things from different perspectives. What aspects will be emphasized in the future? How can we create an inspiring working life in the future? And how do we lead future generations who seek more meaning and flexibility in their careers?

Guests on the show are Fadumo Ali and Mikko-Pekka Hanski, with Jussi Tolvanen, the CEO of DNA. Ali is known for her passion for improving the position of nurses and as the founder of the successful company Hoiwa. Hanski, known for his involvement with Idean, now serves as the chairman of the board for the Children and Youth Foundation and the General Unemployment Fund.

Episode 6: Internationality as a Resource

How are international communities led, and how can cooperation be made to work in the best possible way? Can leadership be humane even in challenging international situations? What characterizes Finnish leaders, and can we build humane leadership as a success factor internationally?

DNA's CEO Jussi Tolvanen discusses the topic with two high-profile leaders. Janne Jaakkola, the Commander of the Finnish Defense Forces, leads Finland's most important team in a changed security situation and NATO-Finland. Karla Lindahl, on the other hand, has had a long and upward international career in the elevator company KONE and currently serves as the company's European Regional Director.