Employer promise:
Humane and one-of-a-kind DNA.

The way we think, feel and act is humane. With us you have the freedom to shine as you are, together with others. Together we achieve meaningful things in line with our values: in a fast, brave and straightforward way.

Together we are a community that recognises different situations in life and gives you the freedom to choose where and how you want to work. You have the opportunity for continuous learning and development.

We promise to support every DNA employee to live a humane and one-of-a-kind life.

The best results come from the hands of our employees

It is important to us that our DNA employees feel comfortable and inspired in their work. That's why we invest in the functionality and comfort of our spaces. Read more about the design of our new headquarters and office facilities through the link.

Why does working life need humanity? Watch the real-life stories:

The long adoption process was a test of the humanity of working life

Losing a child was a hard lesson in empathy

Even big dreams can come true when there's humanity in the workplace

Work burnout 13 years ago brought an insight that revolutionized the way of working

Lawyer-Elisa changes to Forest-Elisa in her free time

Peacekeeping operations have taken Jukka around the world several times

What does
the promise


Straightforwardness is our way of working. DNA does not force or command, but rather sets the targets and provides the means for achieving them. We believe that teams and individuals will find the best ways to achieve the targets when they have the freedom to choose the place, time and way of working.

However, straightforwardness does not mean working around the clock. We look after everyone’s well-being by taking a good work-life balance into account.


At DNA, everybody can be one-of-a-kind as part of our community.

One-of-a-kind means that we appreciate everyone as they are, regardless of age, gender, appearance, heritage, who they love or how they see the world.

Diversity is an asset and a strength of our work community now and in the future.


At DNA, family means those who are most important in life. We are a truly family-friendly workplace, equally and for all kinds of families.

We support you in the joys and hardships of family life. We maintain and develop family-friendly practices by listening to our personnel.

When your own life is straightforward and the day-to-day goes smoothly, it is also easy to ensure that DNA has the most satisfied customers.

Continuous development.

DNA encourages continuous learning because working life is constantly changing, and it is important for people to develop with it. With us you can learn and grow.

At DNA, you are free to speak up when you want to add new challenges to your role. Often the next career step is found under the same roof – or maybe abroad in the Telenor family.

For us, leadership is people-centred. Supervisors are responsible for removing obstacles to work, and everyone is responsible for making DNA a great place to work.

Getting things done.

We work every day so that we can offer high-quality services to our customers. 

We work with meaningful tasks – by bringing together what is most important. This makes the work rewarding and our customers’ daily life smooth and straightforward. DNA and its personnel have a significant role in Finland’s digital development.

Our way of working, fast, brave and straightforward, ensures that we achieve results together.

This is a genuine promise and at the same time a tool for change towards a better working life. If a DNA employee feels that the promise is not fulfilled in everyday life, he or she always has the right to speak with the team leader, who intervenes in the situation and, if necessary, takes the information about the problems forward.
Marko Rissanen, SVP Human Resources

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Five stories from DNA:
This is how the promise is visible in everyday life

DNA understands that the most satisfied customers and the best results come from the employees. We want to hold on to what is most important, that is, our employees and customers. That is why the employees deserve a workplace where they are respected and their wishes are heard. Below the employees tell us how straightforwardness, being one-of-a-kind, family-friendliness, continuous development and getting things done are reflected in everyday life.

The following interviews have been conducted in cooperation with Duunitori.

Niina Metsälä, Customer Experience Manager, DNA Plc

Straightforward work is already in Niina’s DNA

Niina Metsälä, Customer Experience Manager, DNA Plc

“It is important to me to be able to influence where and how I work, as well as the schedules and tools. I do not like routines. By creating different situations, I get new ideas and inspiration for work.

Straightforwardness is reflected in my everyday life in remote working, for example. It saves time and brings the variety I want in my day-to-day. In addition to the home, I can have a workstation at my elderly parents’ place, abroad, or at a holiday residence.

Sometimes it feels really good to be at the office, meet people and be energised by them. However, other tasks go best when I can tiptoe to my private workspace in my socks instead of having to put on my outerwear and venture out into the freezing cold morning. 

We have basically always had a hybrid model in use at DNA, with people working a lot from different towns and offices. 

I do more long-term project work, for which we define objectives twice a year. A jointly agreed framework gives freedom to choose what I want to start working on next and how.

Flexibility and straightforwardness are already routine for us. When I need to take care of some mundane thing, such as take my car for servicing or go to the dentist, I can fit it into my working day. 

It is now difficult to imagine a situation where this would not be possible.”

Mervi Vikman, customer service employee, DNA Plc

Mervi gets to shine as she is

Mervi Vikman, customer service employee, DNA Plc

“I work in DNA’s customer service for consumers. We have a warm work community where it is easy to be yourself.

We are all different in our strengths and weaknesses. Since I feel equal and valued in the community, I dare to share my own thoughts and needs. I can trust that I am enough and that others will be understanding.

My closest co-workers and a supervisor who supports, listens and provides me with the tools that are right for me play an important role in the realisation of being one-of-a-kind. I can tell them what is going on in my life with confidence.

We have different tasks for different people. I like the idea that everyone gets to shine in their own area of expertise. It would be strange if the skills gained through hobbies or passions were not utilised.

Work is more meaningful when I get to do things that interest me, where possible.

For example, I like helping others a lot and get to do so in my job by solving customers’ problems. On the other hand, sales, which are also part of customer service, are not my strongest area. So I have been given duties were sales do not play such a big role.”

Tarja Koivisto, Process Specialist, DNA Plc

Tarja's family also received support in the adoption process

Tarja Koivisto, Process Specialist, Network and security deliveries, DNA Plc

“We have two wonderful children adopted from Thailand. The adoption process involved all sorts of things and was not so easy. However, I was able to be open with my employer throughout it and received support from the work community. 

Our family’s daily life is pretty busy with work and the children’s hobbies. It is important to me that, as a parent, I can be sufficiently present for the children. My employer’s flexibility and support have been invaluable.

If I have needed more flexibility for the family, it has always been possible to arrange. For example, when the children arrived, we agreed on a shorter work week.

Remote working has been possible at DNA for a long time. It allows me to schedule my own day. 

Sometimes my child calls for my help at the stove, for example, and I can go to assist the novice chef even in the middle of the day. My child has expressed wanting to work at DNA some day too.

One great thing about being a DNA employee for the whole family are the various events for children. Our children have attended the children’s Christmas party for so many years that we are now very close and familiar with everybody.”

Markus Nevanperä, Sales Coach, DNA Store

Markus progressed from salesperson to coach

Markus Nevanperä, Sales Coach, DNA Store

“I started at DNA as a salesperson about nine years ago. I first worked in Oulu for a few years, after which I moved to Helsinki and was promoted to a store manager. About a year ago, I became a coach for store managers and salespeople.

In addition to my own aspirations and enthusiasm, my closest supervisors have had a big impact on how I have progressed and developed in my job. They have come to know me and recognise my strengths. Based on those strengths, they have been able to demand the right things from me as well as give me the appropriate tools and support to move forward.

I need new challenges on a regular basis to keep my mind alert. When I have my duties well under control, I see whether I can advance again.

As a coach, my most important job is to coach others so that they can in turn coach their own team members. I want to constantly encourage and develop every employee.

People-centred leadership and coaching involves treating everyone as an individual and leading them in the way that suits them best. Some salespeople need a little nudge in the right direction, while others succeed best with encouragement.”

Ilari Numminen, Head of Integrations, DevOps and IT Production, DNA Plc

Ilari puts changes into practice

Ilari Numminen, Head of Integrations, DevOps and IT Production, DNA Plc

“I work as a supervisor in the information management team, where our responsibilities include integration platforms, IT production, DevOps tools, and tools related to information security.

We play a significant role in the development of digital services in Finland, as the functioning of society as a whole is based on telecommunications and communication. 

In practice, we need to bring about change. We set clear, sufficiently challenging targets and monitor them. The targets help us know that we are doing the right things.

We reflect a lot on what we do. In retrospectives, we think about what has gone well, what we could improve on, and what will be continued. Getting things done means putting the development ideas that emerge into practice.

I want to make sure my team develops and people feel good about working here. 

For example, I support training and ensure that everyone’s needs are addressed and that people feel as safe as possible about sharing their issues. Helping gives me feelings of success and meaningfulness.

People’s satisfaction is reflected in everything. If you want to get things done, you also have to know yourself, your own limits and areas for development. With the right framework and process, there will also be results.”