
Board of Directors

The Board of Director has a duty to promote the interests of the company and all its shareholders. The Board of Directors discusses and decides on matters that are significant to the Company's finances, business or principles.

Members of the Board of Directors

Jon Omund Revhaug

Chair of the Board  1966
Mette Eistrøm Krüger Member of the Board 1972
Thomas Thyholdt Member of the Board 1977


Read more about the members of the Board of Directors

Operations of the Board

Operations of the Board

According to DNA’s Articles of Association, the Board of Directors is composed of three to seven ordinary members elected by the General Meeting. When members are elected to the Board of Directors, the requirements laid down by the company's operations and development phase and valid legislation, such as the rules of Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd, other applicable rules, and the recommendations of the governance code must be considered. A person elected to the Board of Directors must have the competence required for the position and be able to use a sufficient amount of time to attend to Board duties. The Board of Directors must include representatives of both genders, and its composition must satisfy the principles of diversity.

The Board of Directors meets regularly approximately four to seven times a year, and as and when deemed necessary. Minutes are kept of each meeting. The Chair of the Board is responsible for Board work. Each member of the Board of Directors has the right to propose matters to the Board’s agenda. The Board of Directors of the Company is quorate when more than one-half of its members are present. Decisions of the Board of Directors are majority decisions, and in the event of a tie, the vote shall be decided by the casting vote of the Chair. As stipulated by law, a member of the Board of Directors shall be disqualified from the consideration of a matter that involves a conflict of interest.

Board responsibilities

Duties of the Board

The Board of Director has a duty to promote the interests of the company and all its shareholders. The Board of Directors discusses and decides on matters that are significant to the Company's finances, business or principles.

Board committees

Board Committees

The Board of Directors may establish Board committees from among its members to support its work. The Board shall confirm the main duties and operating principles of the committees in a written charter, and the company shall report their key content. Committees report regularly to the Board.

The Board of Directors has not elected committees after the Annual General Meeting of 26 March 2020.