DNA as a company


We connect you to what matters most 

We have an important task that we carry with responsibility and pride. High-quality connections and devices, digital skills and inclusion are a necessity for both consumer and corporate customers in the digital world. DNA is responsible for providing network connections and services to millions of people, and we want to do our job well.


From Challenger to Market Leader
with the Most Loved Brand

DNA has always operated as a challenger in the industry – for the benefit of customers. Although we have risen over the years to become the market leader in fixed broadband and the second in the mobile market, we want to maintain our challenger attitude. DNA's brand has always resonated with Finns, starting from the early "Elämä on" campaigns. We want to keep our place in the hearts of Finns in the future, and our strategic goals guide us in this.

Our strategic objectives

1. Be the best place to work and learn

Motivated and skilled employees are essential for us to offer the best customer experience in the market. We have also become the first large Finnish company to receive the Family-Friendly Workplace recognition from Väestöliitto. Our goal is to have a team of top professionals, with dedicated and competent employees in every role, who can shine as themselves as part of our community – in line with our employer promise of being humane and one-of-a-kind. We invest in continuous learning, as the change in working life is constant.

2. Have the best customer experience

Satisfied and motivated employees enable the best customer experience. We want to create the best customer experiences by offering easy-to-use services, high-quality and fast networks, and excellent customer service. We continuously measure customer satisfaction and collect feedback from customers on how we can improve the customer experience even further.

3. Have the most loved and trusted brand

Our goal is to evoke positive emotions and strong trust with the DNA brand. We believe that the strength of our brand lies in our people and our attitude. With these, we can challenge ourselves and our partners to do things responsibly and for the benefit of customers. We take good care of our customers, our staff, and society.

4. Growing faster than that of the market

Motivated employees, satisfied customers, and a distinctive brand are the cornerstones of our growth. We believe that the best customer satisfaction, expert sales, and high-quality multichannel customer service will lead to better financial and shareholder value development compared to our competitors. We measure our success in these goals by the growth of revenue and operational free cash flow.