The phone park Puhelinparkki is here – and it helps each and every family!

The digital environment is an important part of a child growing up – there is a lot of instructive, educational and fun content. But it is also good to be able to spend time without devices – both for children and adults. Moments spent together and being present without phones are valuable because being truly together is rewarding, strengthens the sense of belonging and increases trust among family members. The delivery time for the phone park Puhelinparkki is approximately 14 days at the moment.

This is how you balance screen and screen-free time together with your family

  • Discuss the benefits of screen time and screen-free time

  • Agree when it is time to spend together some screen-free time

  • When you have screen-free time, you can place you phones in the phone park Puhelinparkki provided by DNA and Protect Children

  • Decide how you reward yourselves when you succeed. Would it be possible to have a games night, see a movie or eat something delicious at the end of the week when everything has gone well?

We hope that the phone park Puhelinparkki offers you plenty of joy and help – and that increases the wellbeing of the whole family.

DNA and Protect Children promote smart and safe use of the internet

The world is becoming digitalized fast, which offers many kinds of opportunities. Primarily, the speedy development of technology is useful, but at the same time it has created a need for promoting safe digital skills for children and practicing clever use of smart phones.

Let’s accompany a child also in digital traffic

Moderate use of digital devices offers plenty of joy and benefits for children, but their excessive use can disrupt the development of a child’s brain and decrease their language skills. It is important for the development of a child’s imagination, creativity and problem- solving skills that in their leisure time children face situations and time they spend without a phone or other digital devices.

Safely navigating the digital world

Children should learn digital safety skills as early as possible. The "Safely Navigating the Digital World" project and materials by Suojellaan Lapsia ry are aimed at children, families, and professionals working with children, to promote their safety in digital environments.

Capture the guidelines from Suojellaan Lapsia ry's "Safely Navigating the Digital World" project page.