Digitally inclusive Finland
In an increasingly digital world, it is important to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to be part of the change.
Why is digital inclusion so important to DNA?
Voice and data communications have become a necessity for people and society at large and it is difficult to manage without good connections. Products and services offered by telecommunications businesses may, however, seem complicated, And not everyone has the devices or skills required in today’s digital society.
DNA wants to contribute to the promotion of digital inclusion in Finland. We place special emphasis on high-quality comprehensive networks, fast connections, clear and understandable products and services, and excellent customer service. We also support the digital skills of our clients and the general public by publishing articles and surveys. DNA also wants to help those most vulnerable standing on the other side of the digital divide.
We continue our partnerships with SOS Children’s Villages Finland and Hope. In 2021, we also launched new partnerships with Protect Children and Plan International Finland. In 2022 we have also started a new partnership together with VTKL – The Finnish Association for the Welfare of Older People.
How our work is governed
We also want to stay awake on current population trends in Finland and therefore we conduct surveys (in Finnish). Data from the surveys helps us improve customer experience, understand customer needs, develop our service offering, and share valuable information on digitalisation for the society at large.
We cannot achieve digital inclusion in alone. We need to work together with partners to make our work more effective and to bring expertise to the table to make sure those most vulnerable in our society will also benefit from digitalisation. We discuss the results of our work with our partners annually and actively develop better ways to report the results to the public.
The pace of digitalisation is accelerating, and DNA understands that many people sometimes struggle to keep up. We help people increase their safety awareness by publishing articles (in Finnish) on topics including the most common online scams and ways to improve data security.
Read more from annual report
Our goal

Examples of our work
We launched new services to consumer customers to provide good customer care in the digital world. The latest of such services include the DNA Asennusmestari installation service and the DNA Helppoustakuu satisfaction guarantee.
We create easiness and clarity differend kinds of people in this digitalized society.
By our partnerships, we support children, youth and senior citizens, and young immigrants.
DNA conducts annual surveys on themes such as digital inclusion, digital lifestyles, and the digital needs of schoolchildren.
The project aims to promote digital participation among young immigrant girls
CASE: Digital world can be a happy place also for child (text in Finnish)
CASE: Nordea, Lammin Säästöpankki and DNA promote senior citizens’ digital skills (In Finnish)
CASE: DNA's survey on smart devices showed that almost half of the Finns think they spend too much time in the net (In Finnish)
Digiakatemia is a free online digital training course open to all small businesses. DNA organises the course in cooperation with Suomen Yrittäjäopisto. The course has been designed to improve entrepreneurs’ digital skills in the rapidly changing digital world. Participants will learn about aspects of information security, social media marketing, cloud-based tools and important devices that are relevant to entrepreneurs.
The online course can be taken when it best suits the busy life of an entrepreneur. The only tool participants need is a smart phone or a computer.Digiakatemia helps entrepreneurs improve their digital skills