Tehtävä: Executive Assistant, Corporate business
Tehtävän kuvaus
We are looking for a highly skilled and experienced Executive Assistant to join our team! This is a great opportunity for an experienced Executive Assistant who is development-minded and has keen understanding and willingness to execute her role by using both automation and AI in her/his work.
Role: Executive Assistant
Start date: As soon as possible
Employment: permanent position
Location: Helsinki & flexible remote work in Finland
Application period ends: 27.112024
For further information, please contact: the supervisor of this team Kirsi Kurki, Executive Assistant to CEO, +358 44 044 2696 or kirsi.kurki(at)dna.fi – best time to call is Wednesday to Friday between 14-16. I’m excited to discuss this role with you, so please feel free to give me a call!
As an Executive Assistant to the Senior Vice President in a corporate business environment, you play a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth operation of the management team of this department. Your responsibilities extend beyond traditional administrative tasks, encompassing a wide range of duties that support the SVP in achieving strategic business goals.
In this role, you act as a key liaison between the SVP and various internal and external stakeholders, facilitating effective communication and collaboration. You are responsible for managing the SVP's schedule, coordinating meetings, and preparing comprehensive minutes and presentations. Your organizational skills and attention to detail ensure that the SVP is well-prepared for all engagements, allowing her to focus on high-level strategic initiatives.
Overall, as an Executive Assistant to the SVP, you are an indispensable asset to the Corporate Business, ensuring that the B2B Management Leadership team operates seamlessly and achieves its objectives.
Calendar Management: Proactively managing the SVP’s calendar and annual schedules of the customers and partners.
Meetings: Arranging management meetings, coordinating related preparations, and distributing and archiving meeting materials and executing meeting notes
Event Management: Organizing and coordinating events in Finland and Europe with effective execution
Executive Support: Handling administrative tasks such as invoices and travel claims with related documents and information
Communications: Maintaining smooth communication with internal and external stakeholders
Preferred competence:
Educational Background: Bachelor’s degree in business administration or similar experience, 3-5 years of experience in an Executive Assistant role.
Excellent organizing skills with the ability to structure and prioritize proactively and efficiently
Strong problem-solving and communication skills
Collaborative working style, emotional intelligence, and ability to work independently
Excellent written and verbal communication skills in both English and Finnish
Superior level of integrity, professionalism, and confidentiality
Strong drive for continuous improvement and a determination to finalize tasks on time with a high-quality mindset and strong stress tolerance
Strong drive for personal development in several areas
Advanced technology skills, especially in MS Office and M365 applications, including Copilot and other AI tools
Ability to organize, prioritize, and complete work under time pressure
Ethical, trustworthy way to work with high integrity
What We Offer:
Opportunity: Excellent opportunity to be part of DNA Plc’s Executive Assistant team with collaborative way of working
Environment: A multicultural and positive working environment in our Nordic business area
Tools: Professional and collaborative colleagues as well as modern tools to work with, enabling you to perform at your best
Flexibility: Flexibility to organize your work between office and remote, in a hybrid work culture. Some fixed office days per week are mandatory to succeed with this role and you office will be in Helsinki.
Facilities: New Headquarters in Ilmala with modern office environment
Development: We actively encourage learning and professional development and understand that the key focus areas under this role can bring great opportunities for career development. DNA’s one main goal is to be best place to work and learn.
I have pleasure to talk to you about this role, please give me a call. Do not hesitate to have sparring with me about this role, I feel that you can also grow horizontally and this is really interesting, active and appreciated role in DNA.
DNA strives to provide an excellent place to work, and we are constantly aiming to improve our practices as an employer to meet this goal. We want to appreciate all our employees as they are – as one-of-kind. No matter their age, gender, look, where they come from, who they love, or how you see the world. Being one-of-a-kind is our richness. Click the links below to find out more about things that may be of interest to you.
DNA is one of the leading telecommunications companies in Finland. Our purpose is to connect you to what matters most. We offer connections, services and devices for homes and workplaces, contributing to the digitalisation of society. Already for years, DNA customers have been among the world leaders in mobile data usage. DNA has about 3.6 million subscriptions in its fixed and mobile communications networks. The company has been awarded numerous times as an excellent employer and family-friendly workplace. DNA is a part of Telenor Group, a leading telecommunications company across the Nordics. More information: www.dna.fi, Twitter @DNA_fi, Facebook @DNA.fi and LinkedIn @DNA-Oyj.
Thu Nov 14 14:44:10 EET 2024 - Wed Nov 27 00:00:00 EET 2024
Täytä hakemus
Huom! DNA on osa norjalaista Telenor-konsernia, minkä vuoksi käytämme rekrytoinneissamme Telenorin hakuportaalia.
Mikäli sinua kiinnostaa DNA:n asiakaspalvelutehtävät, myymälätyöt tai etämyyntityöt, löydät niistä lisätietoa omilta sivuiltaan ylempänä olevasta valikosta.
Toimitusjohtaja: ”Perusteeton luottamuspula johtaa tarpeettomaan valvontaan”
Tapa tehdä töitä paikasta ja ajasta riippumatta on ollut yksi DNA:n menestystarinoista jo vuodesta 2012 lähtien. Työnteon vapaus on kehittynyt tuona aikana merkittävästi ja ehtinyt iskostua osaksi DNA:laista työkulttuuria.
DNA:n ihmisläheinen työyhteisö palkittiin – ”Työpaikasta koetaan aitoa ylpeyttä”
DNA tuli toiselle sijalle Ihmisläheinen työyhteisö -kategoriassa HumanPower23-kilpailussa, jonka Hälsa järjesti marraskuussa 2023. DNA sai raadilta erityismaininnan siitä, että henkilöstö asetetaan kaiken keskiöön ja työntekijät ovat aidosti ylpeitä työpaikastaan.
DNA uskoo edelleen vapauteen ja vastuuseen – toimistolle tullaan halusta, ei pakosta
Olemme jo pitkään uskoneet siihen, että parhaat ideat syntyvät siellä, missä on tilaa ajatella. Tärkeintä ei ole missä teet, vaan mitä teet. Siksi suhtaudumme innolla tulevaisuuden työtapoihin, joilla yhteinen määränpää löytyy yhä useampia reittejä pitkin.
Vaikka teemme töitä yhdessä, olemme silti yksilöitä. Yhdelle sopii aikaiset aamut, toiselle parhaat ideat tuo auringonlasku. Meillä saat tehdä töitä missä ja milloin haluat; puumajassa, kirjastossa, mökillä, toimistolla, lempipaikassa. Kun tavoitteet täyttyvät ja yhdessä päästään perille, voidaan matka kulkea myös vähemmän poljettuja polkuja pitkin. Lupia ei tarvitse esihenkilöiltä kysellä.
Ei se helppoa ole, sääntöjen ja tapojen rikkominen. Mutta olemme harjoitelleet mutkatonta, luottamukseen ja omaan vastuuseen perustuvaa työskentelytapaa jo 10 vuotta. Sen olemme oppineet, että ketään ei saa jättää yksin. Tarvitaan kohtaamisia ja keskusteluja, erilaisuuden hyväksyntää. Kuka tietää mistä me vielä itsemme löydämme, kun uskallamme tehdä toisin.